1. Terms Of Use

By logging on to this website ( www.buildmysites.org ), you are agreeing to our terms and conditions that are set in place by our company and by law as well as it’s regulations. You are agreeing that you take full responsibility for compliance with any applicable local laws that are in place in your country. If you do not agree with any one of the terms then please log off our site until you change your mind and want to agree to the terms stated. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.

2. Use License

BuildMySites will allow our clients and visitors to download one copy of the materials (software or information ) on our we website for non-commercial transitory viewing and or personal use which means you cannot use our content or images for building your own site or placing it on a site you building. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not do the following :

3. Accountable

BuildMySites is not accountable for any accounts being banned and or suspended as a result of you buying social media services from our company. Our followers have a 30 day warranty on them so in a result of you losing followers and or likes after 30 days they will not be refunded nor will they be replaced. You are purchasing our services at your own free will.

4. Limitations

In no event shall BuilMySites be liable for any damages that occur during the processing of your order nor will we take any responsibility for your account being banned and or suspended.